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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Ann

Year In Review 2024: A Place In This World

The Prompt I have chosen to ponder this academic year is related to my professional goals and trajectory.Entering my final year of my undergraduate degree at the University of Cincinnati has taught me that growing pains are necessary to piece together my future. The unique combination of successes and failures I’ve had have brought me to where I am today. Specifically, I would like to discuss an experience I had in the summer of 2023 that changed the trajectory of my life as I know it. 

Last June, I had the opportunity to participate in the archaeological field school at Jamestown Rediscovery. My time here not only confirmed my love for archaeology, and the art of stitching the puzzle of history back together, but that this field truly is a combination of my passions. This experience forced me to reevaluate my personal career trajectory, as I have returned to Jamestown for an archaeology internship this summer! 

This site is the one that sparked my interest in archaeology back when I was in the fourth grade. Never would I have imagined having the opportunity to learn from this incredible staff, and engage with history and the public in this way. At Jamestown, we practice public archaeology. So, as we are digging, visitors are able to converse with us and observe our process in real time. This is the most rewarding part of my work, as it is how I originally became hooked so many years ago. 

The story you tell and the words that you speak matter, this is something I have learned from my experiences back in Cincinnati. I am a volunteer docent with the Harriet Beecher Stowe House Museum, and this experience truly helped me to find my love for teaching and engaging in sharing history with the public. This helped to make the transition to Jamestown seamless, having to understand the history of the island and its many phases and explain it to visitors. 

I could not be more grateful and excited for my internship opportunity this summer. This has truly opened the door for a career involved in archaeology. That being said, there are so many components to a well-rounded archaeology team. The field and lab staff must work in tandem to interpret the site and all of its various components as accurately and efficiently as possible. Working at Jamestown with the field school last summer, and as an intern this summer, has shown me that I am where I belong; personally and professionally I have never felt more at home. 

The work that I complete in my senior year will allow me to continue to interpret my time at Jamestown. When I return in the fall, I will be giving a presentation to the Intro to Archaeology class at UC about my experiences at this site. Additionally, my capstone will revolve around historical archaeology and my work on this site. If there is anything this experience has taught me, is that the people you surround yourself with can truly make or break a professional environment. Everyone at Jamestown adores the cycle of learning, understanding, and educating. As someone who intends to be a lifelong learner with a passion for teaching others, I feel perfectly situated. This upcoming year, I will hold my experiences at Jamestown close to my heart. When looking at life after UC, I see myself pursuing a career in archaeology; I feel that this is my place and purpose.


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